Disappeared without a trace before the present events of the story. Kenzo Hojo ( ケンゾウ・北条 ?) Lorraine's current husband, and the head of Tokugawa's Drug Delivery System development team. His 'speech' is limited to vain spasmic attempts, which are done by Junko Hagimori (who also voiced a female extra in the game).

Since the incident, Marc has been unable to speak. Marc Brown ( マーク・ブラウン ?) Ed's adopted son, whose real father, Ridley, was killed by Ed in a drug-related shoot-out. She has taken over all household duties at the Brown residence after her mother, Catherine (Ed's wife), died. Anna Brown ( アナ・ブラウン ?) Ed's teenage daughter, who is a college student. Chris Goldwin ( クリス・ゴドウィン ?) An attractive middle-aged woman who is the director of the Beyond Coast Central Hospital (BCCH). She is then murdered by a masked assassin after leaving his place. Lorraine visits Jonathan at his office on Earth, asking him to search for her current husband, Kenzo. Lorraine Hojo ( ロレイン・北条 ?) Jonanthan's ex-wife. He wears an orange vest and goggles, and usually appears eating a hamburger. Unlike Meryl, Dave is a pacifist who prefers to disarm convicts rather than outright killing them. Dave Forrest ( デイブ・フォレスト ?) Meryl's partner within the Vice Unit. She serves as the basis for the Metal Gear Solid character of the same name and they share a voice actor. Meryl Silverburgh ( メリル・シルバーバーグ ?) A member of BCP's Vice Unit, Meryl is a former member of High Tech Special Forces Unit FOXHOUND and is usually seen wearing military gear.

He quits his job as a police officer due to his dissatisfaction with the lifestyle and now serves as the chief of security at Tokugawa's Moon Plant. Salvatore Toscanini ( サルバトーレ・トスカニーニ ?) One of the 'Original Cops'. He is the most powerful man on Beyond and wields considerable influence over the colony's media. Joseph Sadaoki Tokugawa ( ジョゼフ・サダオキ・トクガワ ?) One of the Original Cops, he left BCP to succeed his family's business, the Tokugawa Group. Gates Becker ( ゲイツ・ベッカー ?) One of the Original Cops, Becker is the chief of the BCP and the commander of the AP Unit. He is an ace pilot who can control his EMPS mecha as if it were an extension of his own body. He is a 'Frozener', a race of artificially conceived humans who possess genes best suited for an extraterrestrial environment. Tony Redwood ( トニー・レッドウッド ?) A member of the Advance Police (AP) Unit, BCP's equivalent of a Swat Team. Karen Hojo ( カレン・北条 ?) Lorraine's daughter, a popular anchorwoman at Beyond who bears a striking resemblance to her mother. He renews his partnership with Jonathan to solve Lorraine's murder. He was Jonathan's partner during their days in the LAPD and was also one of the Original Cops. Voiced by Hideyuki Tanaka Ed Brown ( エド・ブラウン ?) The chief of Beyond Coast Police's (BCP) Vice Unit. As a result, he is physically younger than his real age. He was stranded in space for 25 years after a space-walking accident, only to be found alive, thanks to the cryogenic sleep module in his suit. One of the five 'Original Cops' (a nickname given in likeness to Project Mercury's 'Original Seven') that formed the Policenauts. Characters Edit Policenauts Pc-98 Fan Translation System Jonathan Ingram ( ジョナサン・イングラム ?) The protagonist. There he is reunited with his former partner from his LAPD days, Ed Brown, who agrees to help Jonathan investigate the circumstances surrounding Hojo's disappearance and Lorraine's murder. Jonathan, unable to catch the culprit, decides to fulfill his ex-wife's final request and travels to Beyond. However, after Lorraine leaves his office, she is attacked and murdered by a man in a black motorcycle suit. Jonathan is reluctant to take her case at first. She asks for Jonathan's help in solving the disappearance of her current husband, Kenzo Hojo, the only clues he left behind being a torn leaf, a set of capsules, and the word 'Plato'. Three years later, Jonathan (now a private investigator working in the former Los Angeles) is visited by his former wife, Lorraine. He is found alive and well 25 years later thanks to the cold-sleep module connected to the suit. A freak accident occurs while testing a new space walking suit and Jonathan is drifted away into space and is presumed dead by his colleagues. The game centers on Jonathan Ingram, one of the five 'Policenauts', astronauts with police training, assigned to ensure the safety of Beyond Coast, mankind's first fully functional space colony in the year 2013.